Our Purpose

To help serious Vanguard investors make meaningful investments by providing independent, honest, unbiased coverage of all things Vanguard and investment advice and education you can use in a language you can understand.

Our weekly publication provides thoughtful, contextualized insights and advice, alongside Model Portfolios and fund recommendations, to help you achieve investment success—however you define it.

Much of what passes for investment advice and information is actually entertainment. Here today, gone tomorrow. With no accountability.

If you're looking for scrolling ticker-tapes, flashing headlines, act-before-it's-too-late stock tips, and weekly 10-best lists, we're not for you.

The Independent Vanguard Adviser is the go-to resource for the serious Vanguard investor who doesn't want to make moves every minute, while making every move count.

Time in the market...it's simple, not easy.

Humans aren't wired to be long-term investors. Our instincts tell us to run at the first sound of a breaking twig.
But you don't believe that reacting to every economic data point or chasing each twist and turn in the market is a smart investment strategy. Neither do we.
Spending time in the market is a recipe for long-term investment success that anyone can follow. It's not flashy, but it works. (Ask Warren Buffett, one of the market's longest-term investors today.)

Hi, I'm Jeff DeMaso.

Welcome to The Independent Vanguard Adviser.

I've been a Vanguard investor for over a decade. Prior to launching this service, I co-wrote the award-winning Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors newsletter alongside my mentor, Dan Wiener.

Together, we covered all things Vanguard as independent and sometimes critical observers. We provided practical investment advice while demystifying the investment markets and economic mumbo-jumbo—in a readable, understandable way.

While Dan has (semi-)retired, I continue to carry the mantle. And I'm not just an armchair pundit shouting into the void. Over two decades while working at a multi-billion-dollar investment firm, I held titles that ranged from intern to CIO (and everything in between). I've walked the talk … and continue to do so.

A simple promise: My family and I will continue investing in the same funds and ETFs I recommend to you. Full stop.

Jeff DeMaso

Our Investment Results

As I said, there is no snake oil here. I don't sell dramatic performance claims—past results do not guarantee future performance. I firmly believe I can help you achieve investment success even if you don't follow one of my Portfolios.

But I know that for many of you, the performance of my recommendations is where the rubber meets the road. Also, frankly, I'm proud of our decades-long portfolio returns.

The bottom line is that first Dan, then Dan and me, and now I have been helping subscribers earn better returns than the average Vanguard investor for decades.

Better Than Average Investment Results
You can find more details about our long-term 30-plus year track record here.

How We Invest

We have always followed a few well-articulated principles.

The investment world is riddled with claims of profitable market timing. They're all hogwash.

If you and I could successfully time the market, we would. But we can't—no one can, at least not consistently.

Successfully timing the market requires selling before markets fall and buying back in before they rise. Or the reverse. You need to make two correct calls to succeed with market timing.

Many investors have tried; some have gotten one trade right but not the second. The evidence, however, clearly shows that most trading harms rather than enhances returns.

As long-term investors, we know there will be corrections, bear markets and crashes. Rather than fear them, we see stock market declines as the price for participating in the compounding that stocks offer those with patience and fortitude.

We view downturns as opportunities to buy when others are selling.

How We Help You

We eat and breathe Vanguard, and our research is ongoing. Here's how we help Premium Members.

Model Portfolios

Model Portfolios

Prescriptive portfolios for all...whether you are aggressive or conservative, experienced or just starting.

Performance Review

Performance Review

Buy, hold and sell ratings on over 100 Vanguard funds and ETFs...Plus, all the data you need to make your own decisions

Weekly Brief

Weekly Brief

A weekly update on the markets and the economy...and the latest news from Malvern, PA (where Vanguard's HQ is located).

IVA Research

IVA Research

Weekly deep-dive research and education to make you a better informed and more confident investor.

Quick Take

Quick Take

When there's Vanguard news that deserves a faster response, we'll get the information you need in your hands as quickly as possible.

Trade Alerts

Trade Alerts

We don't trade often, but when we do, you'll receive an alert (via email) detailing what we recommend...and why.

  Free Members Premium Members
Weekly Brief
Model Portfolios
Trade Alerts
Performance Review Table
Weekly IVA Research Article
Quick Takes
Access to the archive of over 50 IVA Research articles and past issues of our prior publication

If you're even a little curious (and if you've read this far, you probably are), you can sign up to receive the free Weekly Brief in your email inbox or start your free 30-day trial below: