Before getting into a re-cap of the month plus links to the articles I shared with you in October, let me quickly say thank you for joining me on this new adventure. As Dan and I said a month ago, we didn’t think our work was done. Apparently, thousands of you agreed! I’m humbled by how many of you have joined us at The Independent Vanguard Adviser. And to those of you have written in to share your story or offer words of encourage and support, thank you.

History may not repeat but it sure does echo. As Dan and I have often said, while October gets tarred with the label of a terrible month for stocks, it’s September that investors should watch out for.

And sure enough, after a no good, very bad September, the stock market rebounded big in October. 500 Index (VFIAX) gained 8.1%. SmallCap Index (VSMAX) did even better, returning 9.9%. Even Developed Markets Index (VTMGX) got in on the positive action with a gain of 5.9%. Emerging market stocks declined overall but you can thank China’s President Xi for that.

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