Welcome to The Independent Vanguard Adviser.
From the editors of The Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors comes our latest endeavor to bring you an independent, honest, unbiased voice on Vanguard. Our goal, as always, is to give you practical investment advice and education in a language you can understand.
If you’ve already found your way here, chances are you read or subscribed to our previous publication, if so, thank you. Thank you for following our work in the past. And thank you for taking the next step with us on our journey here at The Independent Vanguard Adviser.
We wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. Dan did this for more than three decades, I worked his by side for over a decade, and I love writing, researching and educating. Having met many of you in the past, we know the newsletter has helped real people (like you) achieve their financial goals. This knowledge drives us.
So, here I am. Though it's a new location, you should expect more of the same: An honest opinion on all things Vanguard—the good, the bad and yes, at times the ugly. A discussion of the markets and investing in plain English. A consistent approach to investing that revolves around spending time in the markets and putting the best that Vanguard has to offer to work in our portfolios. And, of course, we'll keep investing alongside you.
But don't just expect the same from us—expect more! A fresh start and a new delivery system mean you’ll receive articles and insights faster than before. We've got plenty of ideas about how to use this new platform to bring you more of what you need to be the smartest Vanguard investor in the room. We will keep you updated as we make improvements. Please be patient with any hiccups we encounter along the way. We're in start-up mode and, unlike Vanguard, we don't have a billion dollars to spend on technology.
If you are new to our independent Vanguard coverage and straight-forward investment advice, welcome! I encourage you to read our About page to learn who we are and what we're all about.
Whether you choose to sign-up for the free Weekly Brief or become a Premium Member with full access to everything, thank you again for joining us on this journey.